Seitz - the specialist for best gluten free products

Seitz is tradition
We have been the only manufacturer of gluten free pasta in Germany since 1995 and have a wealth of experience in its production.

Seitz is family
As a family business, we produce food based on the conviction that we are doing the right thing and are aware of our responsibility to the consumer.

Seitz is taste
Gluten free nutrition should not mean restriction or even renunciation, but enjoyment and pleasure.

Seitz is "blue"
The striking packaging design makes it easier to find our products on the shelf, with the crossed-out ear of corn as a central element.

Seitz is variety
Innovative product development and constant range optimization are what set us apart.
GLUTEN FREE through the day with the pasta specialist
Who doesn't know him? The inner bastard. It's good if you overcome it and exercise regularly, for example! But many people don't just want to or have to overcome their weaker self in their free time. Anyone who suffers from coeliac disease or an intolerance fights this inner bastard several times a day. After all, giving up a gluten-containing diet is a real challenge in a world of pizza, pasta, cake, fresh rolls, cookies and much more. So exercise and living with a food intolerance have a lot in common: discipline and perseverance ultimately lead to success and a healthy, happy everyday life - preferably gluten free with Seitz!
That's why we want to support you and provide you with all the information you need about coeliac disease. On our website you will find interesting facts about gluten free raw materials, tips & tricks and our production process.